Black Art and Wonderfulness: Hoof ‘n’ Horn’s The Wiz

Five questions for Tyler Edwards (Class of 2022), biology major and producer for Hoof 'n' Horn's The Wiz, the first production with an all-black cast and a sensory friendly performance.


People of Duke Arts: Andre Mego ’20 Blends Pre-Med, Writing, and Hip Hop

Duke senior Andre Mego is a producer, pianist, and marketing merchandise coordinator at 9th Wonder’s label Jamla Records. Andre has also written and published two books. His latest, Reverend Duckworth, explores the connections between Kendrick Lamar’s discography and his own spiritual development.



People of Duke Arts: Naomi Lilly ’20 is Disrupting Arts and Entertainment

Duke senior Naomi Lilly has just launched a new kind of online community. Her company, NAL-Nay Lilly is “creating networking opportunities for silenced voices in the media industry.” Diversity and inclusion are at the heart of this arts project. In this interview for Duke Arts, Lilly shares her motivations for this new kind of networking platform and invites Duke students to get involved.